Guidelines for Oral Presentation - Award Paper:
- Prepare your presentation in Microsoft Powerpoint format.
- The PPT should be in the DERMACON 2024 template, download it by CLICKING HERE.
- Total no. of slides should not exceed 14 to 16.
- Each slide should not exceed 6 to 8 lines.
- This is mandatory to upload your presentation one day before your presentation in the preview room at Venue.
- Videos, graphics, or images in your presentation should be compatible with the latest computer software version (Windows 10 & above).
- Allotted time for the presentation is 07 minutes.
- You will receive a beep/bell 01 minute before your scheduled time, and the projection of the screen will be stopped automatically at the time out.
- AV Staff will be there for assisting in displaying your presentation.
- Identity should not be disclosed (like name of the institution and guide).